Saturday, August 29, 2009

For Your Special Day


So soon you will be twenty-two

such a terrific age to be

and don’t let those rumors

about how your body reacts

different to cake and parties

after twenty one

keep you from having fun.


Why many have gone on to live

perfectly normal lives

following that temporary moment

when icing and ice cream

make you go a little crazy.


Don’t fret it at all,

those padded walls

will just give you a nice place to rest.


I hear the meds come in pretty colors too,

plus you’ll most likely see lots of rainbows

even if there are no windows

in your room.


Now go out there and enjoy yourself

celebrate with all the excitement you want,

after all, should nature for twenty two

take its course,

a special time of forced rest will do you good

never mind those supposed side affects,

it is always nice seeing new invisible

even if they look like pink gerbils in black lace.



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