Monday, August 31, 2009



Beneath its shiny, golden glow

power infects with its radiation,

the brain balloons in braggadocios buffoonery,

eyes bulging with boasting

blinded to the simplest mistakes.


Blood to the mind is squeezed

in the vice of pride,

preventing its plasma from feeding

nutrients that provide logic.


Without those vitamins

mirrors dim in the ability to show flaws,

skin becomes dull and unable to feel

the wounds from tripping

from having tied one’s shoe laces together

while looking at the sun

and being so joyful

your own glory is brighter.


It is when the badge

only exists in your head

that the condition is crippling

because there is no way to stop

the slow decay in reason.

until the only thing you can see

is the shadow from your greatness

invisible to everyone else.


The darkness from that shade

keeps one from noticing

how those masterful strokes in decisions

are made with a moron’s fingers.



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