Sunday, March 07, 2010


Slow soft sayings soothing stroking

like a snake the tongue slithering over the mind,

peace spoken with passionate phrases,

swiftly soaking into the spirit with their spell.


Walls of restraint melt away from

that steady flood in seductive suggestions,

it washes away the lines of black and white,

guns clutched in hands quickly find enemies

though they are disarmed and harmless.


Stretches of barbwire enclosed those incarcerated

while any air of morality turns to vapors

as the innocence are slain in brutal and sadistic means,

hell comes to those trapped

their keepers committing atrocities

they once would have never conceived,

unleashed is the demon inside

where a saint once had thrive

all under the sway of the vow, “Seig heil.”


In the aftermath of defeat

when sanity came amid the forced demise

lips that had given into the evil

only could utter, “I was just following orders”

as the response to the loss of conscience.


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