Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Call Waiting

You’ve reach the cadaverous crypt of the grim reaper

and your soul is on my list to be eternity’s keeper,

I sense you’re anxious to know the time of your demise,

but I prefer to keep that as a last second lethal surprise.


Now just keep enjoying life’s party as long as you can

because soon enough my visit to you shall be my plan,

so be sure you have taken time to fill out your final will

before I come along with my sickle to claim you spirit as bill.


If by chance you want to know when your mother–in-law

is going to have that last bashing chance at criticism’s hurrah,

perhaps I may be able to work out some detail arrangement

to give you some serenity before that fatality estrangement.


Just left a message on my black, morgue scented telephone

after you hear the sound of an eerie, death rattle moan,

though if by chance you detect the scent of embalming cologne

it means I’ve already visited and your body’s in a plot all alone.


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