Friday, December 18, 2009


I repeat the chant of I think I can,

over and over until I truly believe

with enough time and effort

somehow I can do a single deed

and never make a mistake.


How it feels so good

that first rehearsal without a blunder,

just so amazing high on the experience,

convinced I can repeat the same quality

time and time again.


Strut home proud and confident

next day I will get the same results

slowly allowing myself to dream

of being free from any future goof ups,

happily lost in that new reality

only existing in my head

that I can dwell in that flawless land,

far from the cracks and holes in my own existence.


Morning I marched so boldly

back to my desk to repeat my other victory over errors,

only all my time spent polishing my performance

didn’t keep my fingers from getting a bad case

in the fumbles and trembles of muscle spasms,

those I could control or make never happen,

thus I learned continued effort sure makes me inspired

for the once in a thousand occasions

things totally go right,

it can keep me motivated to not giving up

while surviving the 999 events

when things go wrong.


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