Thursday, November 26, 2009

Slinging Them Sagittarius Bows

Oh the famous Sagittarius people

set flight to a quiver of talents,

Mark Twain took perfect aim with his tales,

Ben Stiller always strikes with his comedy darts,

Arthur C Clarke hurls the arrows of Sci Fi,

Bette Midler sings her musical flight so pointedly,

Winston Churchill gave speeches hitting a patriotic bull’s eye,

William Blake penned such piercing poetic flights,

Wood Allen scripted archers of cerebral shots,

Ty Cobb sent streaking balls on their glides,

Steven Spielberg gave cinema’s weapons a special soar,

Phil Donahue hosted the talk show tongue stabbing tournament,

Dick Butkus let fly his deliveries as a professional football player,

Charles M Schultz set his sites on Peanut’s comic strip fame,

Eli Whitney use his inventor’s bow to create the cotton gin,

Frank Sinatra voice gave stunning performance that hit the heart

and Joseph Stalin was insane and just shot everyone.


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