Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear Valued Customer

Welcome to our new improved customer support center

we’ve spared no expense to provide you a cyber mentor,

so skilled they will be sure to satisfy your every question

even you end up holding a while due to the call congestion.


You’ll marvel at their skilful prowess in speedy replies

just appreciate their incoherent recorded answers are a disguise,

to protect your privacy from a risk of internet prying spies

rest assure each concern will documented by their eyes.


And if hear any odd sounds like apes on the other phone

is our state of the art security systems working like a drone,

yes snorts are a new code that tracks any viruses or bugs

as our way of proving we care with some techo hugs.


Feel free to leave a message after that gorilla sound beep

we’ll be sure to get right back to you as a promise we will keep,

then you can know we’ll work on your problem while you sleep

for this our support help are such gems and never something cheap.


By the time you have tried our new support service line

you’ll quickly get the message of what we think is fine,

truly left so certain of what we really think of you

finally getting the kind of help that we see you as do.


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