Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Muse’s Observatory


I used to see so many stars

out here in poetry land

a sky of countless comment constellations

and those rating comets

just streak across the mind.


Yes, I love the muse’s observatory

even if those stars did have a point fee,

what the heck

we needed that starburst thank you,

just exploded in the notes.


Only the verse universe got changed,

while flying on the Stanza Star Trek,

Captain Kirk is off looking for his laser quill,

Spock is trapped in some error 500 black hole,

Dr. McCoy is stuck in an IM time warp

still thinking it is back before

the cosmic upgrade.


Oh Scotty where are you man

beaming up please,

take me back to that dimension

where those darn council rulers

didn’t attacked with changes

and life for a poetry space cadet

was really an enterprise flight

without having to stop

on the foggy planet, “Bendover.”



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