Saturday, April 18, 2009


A curl of the lips
can be found so many places,
just let your imagination
be your clown.

Try to read the titles
of your favorite books
and then add “under the bed,”
after each one.

Imagine if Peter Pan
was president
and Tinker Bell
the Secretary of Defense,
would Neverland make a good democracy?

Read the newspaper
only rewrite every story
as a soap opera.

Pretend your couch is a roller coaster
see your self heading down the bottom
only to notice the track is broken,
make so much noise your neighbors come,
then merely smile and say, “what?”

Make paper air planes
out of your bills,
sent they flying and tell creditors
the check is in the mail,
oh yeah, I’m sure that will give them a laugh.

So just let the jester in your head
go a little crazy,
might not make the world better,
but at least for a while you’ll have some fun.


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