Friday, April 17, 2009


Now one thing I know is that wake works better than asleep. Well providing you want to do junk that is fun.

Well dreaming can be kind of okay. Only you can quite say get to eat if you are dreaming.

You might imagine it, but your tummy will now know the difference. And that sure sucks.

So I prefer to like have this be for real. Yeah I want this to be all okay. I want my cake and eat it too.

Heard that somewhere. Not sure where, but let me tell you it sure sucks if you have cake and can’t eat it.

So that is where I am like going to really be careful. I want to be sure nobody is planning any funny stuff.

Yeah there is a lot of this kind of stuff out there. People doing weird and crazy junk. Where you wish it was a dream.

Because it is just too weird. Oh yeah you know that just ain’t the right deal. Don’t think I like the idea.

Really who wants you know junk that ain’t my idea of good. Because unless I can enjoy it then it just ain’t the same.

Well they say you know it is something you need to work on. Sure is a lot of junk that like that.

As if it always under repair. Is that a good deal? I got to wonder. Because let me tell I sure don’t think so.

Nope not going to let anybody convince me that sitting there and napping is as good as being awake. Just ain’t true.

And let me tell you that is no a thing I want to even do. I want fun. I want good times that I can remember.

Oh well guess it is good thing somewhere. Just not something I heard somebody say once and really questioned.

So just have to wonder. Really they can have this sleep and call it fun stuff. I will just be me.

Which is good from my view.

Thought for the week: "Is there a miracle cleaner for the mind?


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