Saturday, March 19, 2011


What are the nutrients that can honestly feed
that place inside, which is so hungry and hollow,
sometimes doesn’t reach our deepest, pressing need
for our fears have placed a seal over what we swallow?

Because time teaches how being vulnerable has a risk
though we know our armor can’t be worn all the time,
yet that meal we crave may be served so biting and brisk
totally aching our essence and wavering our very prime.

Still even when our worries hold a lock over our desire
inside there remains a willingness to find a feast,
since you can’t stop that craving from becoming a fire
no matter how much you try to control that inner beast.

Oh when that appetite takes on its special sultry tone
where the body is ravenous for a touch and any caress,
as that bolt of resolve over the moment starts to groan
then the key of restraint opens to the heart’s craving request.

It’s the constant clash between rules and one’s urge as wish
that has no single cure, which will end the conflict felt,
while we dream of every forbidden form of savory dish,
which won’t require wearing any type of mental chastity belt.


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