Wednesday, March 09, 2011

One Heartbeat

One heartbeat of apprehension,
one second of fear stained thought
and you feel the repercussions
for the rest of your life time.

Each day awakes in roads
a countless trail of options
where you never know the dead ends
from the spot where you stand,
no turning around after you move
no undoing the directions taken.

Life becomes that passage
across the turns taken in the mind
it is the times you live
with all the dents and dings
knowing the came
by the way you steered you car.

Looking back at where you came
can’t stop the passenger of ghost
who haunt from every stop never made
each side road you passed by
then later stung with regret
because you wish you had given it a try.

Still have to keep on travelling,
have to accept the mistakes made,
all the accidents and tickets earned
because no one ever rides through life
without sometimes getting lost.

And the hardest lesson to learn from driving
is to embrace where you are
while accepting you got there
as the result of each move you made
just being honest about where you reached
even when it isn’t always
where you hoped to be.

That’s the journey that is the hardest
spending more time finding the good
instead of complaining over
what didn’t happen,
because excuses never heal the past,
they just prevent you from enjoying the future.


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