Wednesday, March 02, 2011


If tomorrow came before my eyes
with every vivid detailed it held in its hour glass
could I cope with the sight of suffering
suddenly seeing some of the people I know
become corpses as I viewed their agony and death?

Would I thrive on seeing each new invention
while having to also watch the horror of evil
inflict its wounds upon the world
and observe each scream or plea for protection
though having no power to stop the crimes?

And what fate would I face
if I dare to warn of some catastrophe?
History shows most prophets
end up being silenced in some terrible way,
plus knowing that horrible event was coming
surely would eat at my insides.

Perhaps I would suffer the usual malady
of knowing things you’re not meant to know,
eventually ending up in padded room
until my sanity was destroyed.

Yet, how could I not dare to look
despite all those risks?
Can’t imagine I could resist
because I would still hope
that view might give me a chance
to help someone before disaster struck,
even if it carried a consequence
just never know when it might
undo what was a potential tragedy
and in the process
next time I gazed
there would be a different future.


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