Monday, February 14, 2011


He’s back home after five years
to walk along the familiar paths
slip through the maze in stores
and return to the haunts
that he knew years before.

His clothes are plain and so much
like the many others wear,
yet they are uncomfortable now,
a reminder of lives without suits,
without the memory of pressures and deadlines
like haunt his every day in the city.

So he walks like he did before,
faceless, simple and mute
passed the local heroes
of former high school athletes,
beyond the small shops
where some town older citizens gather
in order to spend their retirement
by talking about how life should be.

What can he say now
from his experience in corporations
after he finished college?
Oh they each can offer him advice,
none of it feels like coming from a god
like when he was a youth.

They’ll never see him as the gifted life
that moves in circles of power,
perhaps it is the way it was meant to be
since they are so content in their innocence.

Makes him filled with mixed blessings
joy of knowing leaving wasn’t a mistake,
still coming back had its merits
as a motivator to stay
where he lived on the mountain top
and felt the power of dreams that come true.


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