Friday, February 04, 2011

Living Lines

Ink flows from a whirlpool
swirling in sensations
within the mind.

It pours like a pitcher
when it has enough form and life,
when the spirit of the creator
is infused with churning energy
and it moves with power
out of that pool
then unto a page,
not just words,
but a birth,
being a pure child of expression,
living by how it is shaped
inside a reader’s head.

Slowly moving so deep
into where we live
becoming part of our existence,
a piece of life’s puzzle
added with passion.

Touched is the vibration
that affirms its pulse
as we no longer merely think
what our eyes beheld,
but let it grow and evolve
in every thought we have
so it becomes a lover
held with all our heart.


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