Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Twine of life turned,

burned and spurned,

around the trunk of the heart,

to rise despite the whirlwinds,

the endless blasts

from contorting challenges.

Resilient souls duel

against the weathered wafts

though crippled by that snaring storms

inside the steadfast spirit thrives,

defiant against the inclement plots

ever finding the sky above

and stretch the limbs of quintessence

upwards in ascending gleams.


Though time bends the body’s bark,

should the shadows tower over the light,

what grows against the termites of angst

comes from a sap that flows

from the place inside

rooted to truths that will not die.


Anchored and strong

in the middle of seasons

when each dream leaf has fallen,

still standing and enduring

on that soil where the heart was planted.


And when the night comes

there remains a calm

because the survivor inside

always can see sunrise.


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