Friday, July 31, 2009

Whatever You Want

Why must the internet

by a vast space of cyber lies?

Oceans of web sites

swirling with seductions,

swimming in deceptive mermaids

and counterfeit sirens.


Who offer voyages to paradise,

but they only end sunken dream ships.

Pity that truth seldom flows

through its many currents

as we sit in our harbor keyboards

trying to book passage

to somewhere truly exotic,

having spice we can’t find.


Email sails set for islands

hoping to find love’s shore,

ripped and tattered heart canvas

keeps drifting on the inbox stream,

thinking the next horizon

will bring some real enchantment.


There are more sharks and barracuda

among the seas of correspondence,

somewhere people decided

piracy of trust was acceptable

when a mariner on net waves.


How the tides of toxic morals

eventually reach inside,

until one is treading water

just to keep from drowning

in the pollution.

Thought for the week: "Why can't we have a Up season to go with Fall?"



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