Friday, July 24, 2009

Take Me Away

I was watching this commercial the other day and it had this lady talking about some product taking her away.  Only she sure didn’t go far.


Well not from what I noticed.  She ended up in some bath tub full of bubble bath.  Clean is good, but not my idea of traveling.


I really wasn’t too clear on how this was supposed to impress me.  I mean when I’m ready to be taken away I want some place cool.


And that ain’t the bathtub.  I want a place that is really fun.  Yeah a place I can enjoy myself and have a good time.


One thing I know is I sure don’t want it to be like some place they took my pal.  Oh it is restful there. 


But I’m not sure I want to join him.  Those straight jackets sure aren’t my idea of a good time.


I suppose you know the padded walls are nice.  They do like make it easier to keep from hitting your head.


And it is nice they give him plenty to eat.  Not sure I think of pills being that tasty, but he doesn’t seem to mind.


Oh well I guess I’m grateful that I didn’t get invited to join him.  Really not my idea of being taken away.


So at least for now I will stick with more fun options.  Like with the bus.  As long as I have exact change.


Yeah they might as well not call it taking me away when I have to pay for it. That ain’t the same thing.


And you can be sure that to me if you do want to take me somewhere I expect you to provide the transportation.   Seems only fair.


Well that is me.  And I will stick with choice when it comes to this option.  I don’t want to get suckered in by false promises.


Like those dang places that tell you something is free when it ain’t.  Yeah those really suck.


Well I will be sure I do what I can to not let this bother too much.  I mean really it sucks when it ain’t fun.


So take me away only be sure  you got a smile.



Thought for the week:
233. "How come Spring is the only season that is a car part?"


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