Sunday, July 26, 2009


The world rode a carousel of prism flashes,

pinwheels of poignant piercingly profound points,

spiraling out of control in the head,

ascending the lucid layers of light,

and dancing in the kaleidoscope rainbows

that brought the perceptions of deeper veils

shrouding the life in mysteries.


It was the rambling that swirled inward

as a tail spin of induced enlightenment

while sitting in that college dorm room of 1969.

Headphone passage

to the hallucinogenic stereophonic realm

sunk the conscious deeper into its melodies,

Moody Blues serenades guiding along the journey

where truth was always hidden

behind a mask of meanings,

waiting to be discarded by a few drags on a joint.


How slowly you succumb

to those tunes that floated through the mind,

starting in the left ear

then feeling as if they ran through the brain

before hearing them in the right one.


Peace lingered in the mental mist

of images conjured by the inhaled smoke,

vibrant specters drifted by

carrying their messages

that made you believe

wisdom’s wand was named Marijuana.


The sense of euphoria lasted until class began

shuffling off to that mentor’s chamber

pretending it all would make sense,

but if not the next toke would restore

another flight into an altered reality.



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