Friday, July 03, 2009

Just For You

I heard you were so sick and feeling blue
so wanted to do something thoughtful just for you
hired this physician who really is kind of new
works as a clown doctor treating by shampoo.

Oh he’ll make balloon animals and wear a silly hat
tell you crazy jokes and hit himself with a big bat,
maybe do his ventriloquist act with a stuffed cat
then prescribe jelly bean pills served on a purple mat.

Might not heal your pain as fast you would like
but to past the extra time he’ll do acts on his bike,
even tells fun stories on his portable karaoke mike
just don’t let him try to make you better with that spike.

Nice thing is that he’s sort of fun and works for free
and will make sure you are truly all better eventually,
despite not knowing the difference between an eye and knee
plus at times he goes a little wacky and thinks he’s a tree.

So just sit back and enjoy his many ways of making you better
because when he’s done you’ll get a souvenir wellness sweater,
has a picture on it of his favorite family pet an Irish setter
will also include how silliness cured you in his happy face letter.

Thought for the week: "Hope is the receipt that you don't lose."


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