Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trapped On A Cloud

I got trapped on a cloud today,
it muffled the sobs of the man in his limo,
saved me from listening
to the rattling sounds of tranquilizers
being spilled from a bottle
and taken by one of the beautiful people.

In my hammock life just floats away
gave me a chance to ignore
the guy who wanted to lecture me
on how building staircases
was the most important thing
you could do with your time,
he died of a heart attack
standing on the stop step
that lead to no where.

The queen stopped by during my nap
just to show of her new crown,
it was bought with a maxed out credit card
and she hides her chains to debt’s cell
so very cleverly.
Too bad it couldn’t cover up
those lies she told
making her ruler over a kingdom
instead of a trailer with 30 year mortgage.

Oh sometimes I dream those mansions in the sky
almost get excited to chase for some brick
for building my own version,
then I remember that I already know how to fly
higher than any of those estates will ever reach.


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