Monday, June 01, 2009

Next Time

Oh yeah you always here this from fibbers. Those jerks that want to tell you the next time it will be better.

Only it never is. The crumb bums are so good at making things up without it actually being true.

Which they never admit to. Just keep making you think it will happen and then in the long run it doesn’t.

Now one of the ways they really bug me is with this deal about things being on order. Like that is really true.

I think they just say that to fool you. As if that helps in some way. It is all a big con job to stall.

That just sucks big time. I mean it sure don’t work for me. Yeah that is not a good thing. And I don’t like it.

See the thing is it is like when I go to the candy store. I stroll over to the jelly bean section and sometimes it is empty.

Oh yeah that is the part that really bites. All that getting excited and it gets you nowhere.
I hate that part.

And when I mention it they will tell me it is on order. Well I don’t know where they ordered it from, but it ain’t there when I need it.

Now to fix this problem I sit back and watch the store. I wait for the delivery truck so I don’t miss out.

But that sure sucks when I get in there and they claim the delivery guy didn’t have any kind of jelly beans. They give me some lame story about it being a delivery of other junk.

Heck man you would figure he could have added some jelly beans in with those boxes of other junk. They don’t take up much room.

Yeah, how tough would it be? Just drop by some warehouse and pick up a few. Yep, that sucks when they don’t bother.

And you can be sure I have told them too. Really hate it. Only they sure never improve. Nope.

But that is okay, I am going to keep watching. I go by there in the afternoon and watch when they were out in the morning. That should be enough time. Never is though.


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