Friday, May 15, 2009


I like these choices. Makes things rather easy. Because you know that stuff can’t both. Well I know I can’t.

Now with others that can be really strange. I mean with some people you do have to wonder.

Take that Reverend Analbe. Now I do appreciate he does speak to God and all, but he sure can be confusing at times.

I don’t mind except it is hard to really make sense of much he says sometimes. Oh he tries to keep it simple.

Basically everything you like is bad. So that makes it false. And so if you just do the junk that ain’t any fun then that is good.

Wish it was figured in a way that really felt good when you talk to him. I just end up totally confused.

Now for me truth shouldn’t confuse you. I mean it ought to be really easy to recognized. But sure don’t work that way with him.

And that is when I need to like ask him so many questions. See I can understand how like going to a movie is bad, but donuts are good.

I haven’t asked him about jelly beans. Maybe I will wait till I can put some on a donut. Then he will like them I bet.

Yeah, I can hope so. Because man if he says jelly beans are false I’m going to be in big trouble.

But I imagine I can figure a way to help him see them different. Like show him a book about them.

It would be a good book. He’s big on good books. Not sure the ones with jelly beans count though.

Well not in his idea of true or false. Sure does for me. In any case I’m going to like see if I can tell him in a way that makes them all good.

Hmm, maybe a few pictures added would help. Well I can help hoping it will. I mean that would make it so much better.

But with Reverend Analbe no way to know for sure. He’s weird that way. At least to me. And hope it will make sense down the road.

Well before I have to go to heaven. Then I won’t be disappointed.

Thought for the week: "Why don't they give tax deductions for take out? It is taking away."


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