Monday, April 11, 2011

Lost Worlds

Should cyberspace fall into a black hole
and my keyboard ship lose its fuel,
my heart would surely cease to soar
from the void in net stars,
and if planetoids of sites were destroyed,
my being would be swallowed in its collapse.

I would stumble as a zombie,
shocked and horrified
over how my pristine URL wilderness
was now a ruinous wasteland
just a black sheet on my monitor,
silent, dead and eternally entombed.

Then once I survived the withdrawals,
having tried both night and day
hoping for one fleeting chance to visit again,
it would be time eyes would rediscover
the sky above and grass outside my window.

Listen for the birdsong forgotten
recall how nature was more
than a screen saver.

Enter a library to explore
when print was crown over thought.

Feel love that wasn’t email induced,
know joy that didn’t come
from finding a perfect link
at Google search engine.

Oh I would be resilient in my endurance,
yet clutching my remote,
for I might not die from demise to internet,
but take away my cable
and doomsday would possess my spirit.


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