Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Phantasm inferno having its pilot light extinguished,

blood's fiery pigments turning colorless,

seeping into quintessence chasms

where ambitions are a hibernating bears

sleeping through a winter without reverie's wind.


Fervor's torch use to shine upon pulse's canvas

neglected along with all the throbbing paint bushes,

artist inside so used to embracing strokes

suffers atrophy in the orbs of tears and smiles,

slowly withering from the lack of heat.


Cupid's corpse grows putrid in the coffin

being embalmed for fear of rising

and stretching a membrane of longing

over the hours spent savoring ashen skies

because the heart paralyzed with ardor's rigor mortis.


Pinprick of figment incandescent streaks into one's crypt

resurrecting with care's breath the decay of conviction

until fairy tales and rainbow grow again in one's garden

and hugs become as precious a pearls,

thunderbolts striking in copious elegance, eyes growing fingers that smile.



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