Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Acts Without An Ax That Allowed For Thoughts Aloud

I strolled to visit my favorite Aunt who had an ant farm

and met a boy who was carrying a buoy to put in the sea,

he told me about this water pistol duel he had with dual matching guns.


Then he moseyed off to practice at a gym with a fitness training gem,

afterwards I stopped to read this sign about a sale on a clarinet reed,

it was offered by an immigrant Wend who played songs about the wind.


Before I could visit him I had to untie the knot in my shoes that was not so easy,

since my instincts shouted no way I might, based on what I know about shoe strings,

besides I had this pain in my heel that was taking way too long to heal,

which did grate on my nerves so it never felt great.


Instead went shopping for a new fishing reel that would be truly real,

so I could fish for a sole that would add tranquility to my soul

it was a deed I did as a lone angler with help of a small loan,

ever dreaming of joining that fishing team who had bait that of life so teem,

the idea nearly burst my shirt's seam from swells in pride or to others it did seem,

for me just having a piece in that group was sure to give me peace.



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