Saturday, January 09, 2010

For My Lady Faire

For my lady faire

would I dare to duel to the death

with any villainous villain of vileness,

risk my furry shield and claw sword

to try slay the beastie pitbull

who treads in yonder yard.


Oh my beloved maiden

thou shall know ye our my light

the very love that hast fired my soul,

so my knight paw

can rally in valor’s stance

at thy round litter box

where I shall vow my loyalty and love

as long as my tail has power

that is shall stand tall and erect with pride.


Unto thy glorious vision of ye face

shall I never fall nor fail

or let my vigilance faultier

on my crusade to win your heart.


Though peril comes

by the hand of the behemoth animal control officer

even when the wretched flea plague

spreads in its evil curse,

they will not deter my spirit

in this holy cause to prove

the sincerity of my quest,

which shall make you my queen.


What say you my darling

can you be swayed by the honor of my plea?

Care not now, dearest,

because I know some say our love can’t be,

since we are star crossed by eternity

though I am a cat and you a birdie.



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