Gallows hang above the bed,
criminal’s decaying torso
swings from the noose,
below the abdomen already rotted away,
pieces of the remaining putrid flesh
fall upon the sheets,
where the execution sleeps
and holds the pardon for the accused,
but it was never delivered
for this murderous worthless
deserved to be killed.
Oh how he screamed when the rope tightening,
yet it was more from relief
that his crime was finally punished
as the strands strangled
just as the last breath came
there was an odd smile of joy on the face.
Before the torturous act that ended his life
the prisoner dwell in a cell filled with cockroaches
floor covered in filth and human waste,
his meals consisted of bread soaked in mucus
each bite made him vomit,
still he ate ever morsel,
that pain in his gut and fire in his chest
only fueled in hungry for more pain.
At night the scorpions crawled over his naked flesh
their stings nearly drove him insane,
it was so excruciatingly terrible,
though all he deserved.
In a moment his mind slips out of that captive’s head
back to that mattress and reality
away from that hellish nightmare of gore
relived every night
because his father was never believed in other than guilt
and when you only know beatings
over imaginary crimes
you never can find the amnesty
of forgiving yourself.
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