Monday, September 21, 2009

My Microscope

I gazed intently through that small crystal lens

at all the infinitesimal and miniscule bits of fact,

deciphering its images as harbingers of future trends

while deciding reality was found in what is compact.


With diligence did I search that world with my eyes

to let the tiniest detail become my wisdom’s feature,

then trimmed truth down to focus on the smallest prize

as I ignored any outside sounds from any living creature.


Oh the earth and existence shrunk in their priority

all that I measured as value based on my limited view,

how I gave its interpretation rule and such authority

what else resided around me denied any real debut.


Each hour passed and my vision stared only at one thing

imagined it as gold to be horded and always what mattered,

though inside I knew such would never be able to bring

acumen enough so I could understand all that time had scattered.


Then one day I accidentally dropped my cherished tool

no longer able to reduce what is down to that little site,

forced to look around upon every facet, beam and pool

suddenly aware all that I had missed in my narrow sight.


So amazed how the loss of my picayune probe’s power

had kept me from being able to honestly know my realm,

learn the beauty there in each rock, glen and flower,

which in their essence is seen so clearly can overpower.


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