Saturday, May 21, 2011

National Traffic Law Amnesty Day

There are no good holidays in August,
aren’t we truly deprived in that month,
so let’s make it one day when traffic laws don’t count,
when for once there are no stop signs or signal lights,
just travel by your own desires on any side of the road.

Now it is a day when horns don’t exist or brake lights either
press that accelerator until it hurts,
because for once we can totally feel freedom behind the wheel,
no traffic jams since any place can be used as a road
with only rule you can’t sue if you have an accident
for everyone is given amnesty for their driving.

How it would make life less serious as we could even dress up,
be a gorilla or monster no big problem
then if we were really feeling lucky
we could even let the insane out to drive or the blind.


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