Sunday, November 14, 2010


Afternoons spent dipping the world in wine
of fermented passions and simmering secrets.
If only the drives of the heart didn’t tattoo
every reflection with those cravings.

Oh in that stew is the image of life
each remembered encounter
that was a mere passing of a moment,
a face that slipped away unspoken,
but lingered within the mind
with wishes of touches that never happen.

It’s the journey that always takes
a life time of steps to complete,
yet inside they happen in a heart beat,
always writing the ending for those simple glances,
with the tones and textures of perfect seconds
as they bubble and boil in their claret warmth.

What time stew in that mental pot
adding a dash of regret and reverie
while allowing the “what if” condiments to season
then taking a sip and allowing it to swirl in the head,
perhaps the taste this time will be more satisfying
than the occasions it ended up with a hint of bitterness.


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