Monday, November 08, 2010


We dwell in the library of our brain,
haphazardly collecting the images
taken by our cerebral camera,
developing them in three dimensional detail
capturing all the five senses can develop
adding the brush strokes that sway
with a variety of feelings
radiating our moods with peace, love, joy and so much more.

But it only is flawed portrait for the world visible
always has layers we don’t see,
those places where truths are partially cloaked.

And in our thoughts is translated the observations
carefully preserving them as fuzzy recollections
only enabling us to understand
what is known within the boundaries
of our physical interpretations.

It is when we can hear the soul’s voice
whisper as a waft of wind
that we can question what we understand,
search so deep inward for more,
listen to the murmurs of light
coming from an ethereal candle held by the spirit.

Some never grasp that wick
for they are content to merely gaze at masks,
unwilling to lift any veil,
only deciphering was is real
by their focus on the superficial,
embracing the temporary as permanent,
not granting breath to all the hosts in wispy clarity
who encircle life in their own silent majesty.

To awaken unto this realm
requires a desire to yield unto a validity
beyond our own wisdom,
which keeps the mind open instead of closed
to possibilities outside our own limitations.


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