Friday, October 15, 2010

Silvery Snares

You can’t climb out of a hole
when it is the chasm in the mind
from a vacuum in self-esteem,
left feeling you are never good enough
to escape the prison in the mirror.

The lock on that cage
is made in the head
sealed by so many memories
forming bars over the image
not ever seeing who you really are,
but can’t find a way to break
their iron that was made
so many years ago,
they are the puzzle never solved
a riddle in a maze
that has no exit nor map
because it was built
over a lifetime of painful experiences,
totally keeping one prisoner
unto a view of self ,
which agrees with all the criticism received.

In the heart throbs the longing for more,
but that decreases the blood to the brain
so can’t think or imagine
ever being free this crippling restraint,
spending time watching the world spin by
sometimes crying over how much missed
and the suffering incurred,
having no one to complain to
since it is self-inflicted.


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