Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Simplest of Needs

Having needs swelling within
is not a disgrace or shame
it is how we choose to deal with same
that either gives the Lord glory
or dishonors his name.

Many are the verses that speak
of one's burning ache,
which the Lord surely didn't forget
when he made us
never expecting of our passions
to truly forsake.

There is sin in the corruption of his will,
seeking pleasure just as lust,
but when it comes from love he grants,
two hearts united in his eyes,
what is shared is meant to be.

Satan's fiery darts burn to see us reach out
in evil ways for some way to quench them,
God's spirit dresses us in the fire of his light
glowing instead of burning
from torch of faith.

From the very beginning when God created Adam and Eve,
we are told they were to be one,
to balance each other, intensely, so intimately
and completely with a joy beyond words.

It is our essence, the pure blend of body, mind and soul
which only happens with a union as the Lord intends.
That is longing, which reaches deep inside of us,
gnaws at us and will not be denied and wasn't intended to be ignored.
Not fulfilled by an affair or lust as Satan would whisper,
for they only satisfy on one temporary level
leaving us feeling hollow afterwards.
We need the harmony the comes from intimacy and passion,
never denied, always accepted
letting God's spirit lead us by love
to a union that lasts as long as the sun.


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