Saturday, May 08, 2010

Thank God it isn't Monday

My dreams would be of a subtle faire
for wouldn't want to make them obvious,
little things last forever, smiles that don't end.
Start with having all the signal lights turning green,
boss who turns human and actually doesn't lie,

Family acting like angels instead of ogres
discovering a bag of cash along side of road, without witnesses,
having the most greasy, sugary feast for lunch that didn't kill my body,
being given rest of day off at work, with a raise and promotion
before a nice alien lady abducts me for the afternoon in her spaceship.

Rest is censored don't you know, this is my fantasy, got to cope with Saturday,
not one to have close encounter and tell when boasting gets you busted,
but sure hope aliens are immune to those little social sicknesses.


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