Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gone, but never lost

Though time has raised an impenetrable canyon
between our souls,
and a gulf with no bridge prevail its breech
where once we strolled so joyously together,
it can not quiet the beat inside,
the throbbing stir to the heart
that is the bond, which never ends,
a glue of oneness nothing can sever.

For as long as there are stars overhead
to dress the night in their silver necklace,
so too shall you shine within my thoughts,
never more than a heartbeat away
from my joy over what you have meant to me.

What tomorrow brings in fated claim
may not bequeath us again each other’s company,
but it can not extinguish the flame we share.

So for the moment where in face we are gone
from the presence we have had,
in no way does it mean we’ve lost
all the truth and unity,
which blessed in the hours
of being friends and more.

Let us take the sun in the form of the other’s portrait
grant it light of memory to always reflect within,
choosing not to call it a goodbye,
just a temporary detour along our path.


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