Thursday, April 22, 2010

Temple in the Pines

It looked so out of place
in the middle
of the Southern California mountains.

More like a temple you would find
somewhere in India,
white walls, golden tear dropped shaped cones
crowning all four corners.

A sanctuary of quiet reflection
built by a soft spoken, peaceful monk
so many years ago
who was lead there by his spirit guide.

He served for years,
calmly and modestly,
helping all who sought him,
never refusing a need,
sharing paths of serenity and love,
not asking anything in return.

His grave is behind the temple today,
his spirit though lives on.
Descendants of followers
see that his faith and compassion
are not ever forgotten
by preserving the sanctuary.

Sometimes they say
you can see his flowing red robed image
walking among the evergreen pines,
whenever a pilgrim comes
to pay tribute.


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