Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Turn And Get It Over With

There nothing that drives me nuts more
than being behind someone on the freeway
who has their turn signal on,
but never turns.

A thousand questions bug you,
like did they miss their off ramp?
Still the mind tries to believe
nobody could possibly not notice
he has a blinker flashing,
especially at night.

What adds to my urge to scream
is when they finally turn
it I is to go right
with the left flasher flasher.

Now those are the ones
you truly wonder how he got
his driver’s license?
Which apparently is not a problem
on driver’s tests
since he does have a license
or at least you assume he does.

Either way
all I wish
is somehow he could be taught
the difference between right and left,
though with a few
I doubt it would help anyway.


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