Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Twer Pure Genius

Oh Mickey is the smart one in the family

always thinking up some new fangled thingamajig

or doohickey to be the best dang thing you could have.


Sort of reckoned when farming got tough

on account of that earthworm farm just ain’t workin

that he would come up with some humdinger of an idea

to make it all better and save the family homestead.


Man was he so excited when he called me on the phone

came up with this thing called meals on wheels,

heard about it from Cousin Clem

over in that thar rest home place

even though he never seems to get much rest there,

but they bring these fiddles in some box,

not sure there were any wheels inside.


Anywho Mickey done invited me to what he called a grand opening

only from what I saw there were so many dang holes in that trailer

couldn’t tell which one was suppose to be grand.

Had us all climb inside while he hooked up his truck

in order to take it into town and serve that grub to one and all.


Sure wish he had not left all manure in the back of his pick up

cus he sure done brung tears to our eyes from being behind that load

not to mention how it done drew so many flies too.


Yep, glad he unhooked his truck when we got to town,

seeing how people just don’t get all that hungry

when the place reeks of manure.


Might have been good I reckon

had Mickey done more thinking about the food too,

now possum innards and stump hole stew are all fine to me,

too bad them folk who came by

just didn’t warm up to the idea.


Must have been that sterno he was using,

for it sure can work powerful at messing up the appetite

at least that is what we figured

after a couple of people kind of upchucked

once he handed them a dinner

in that rusty ole can.


But Mickey is so heck fire smart

bet he’ll get the next batch down right,

providing them revenuers don’t make us fuss

about his secret sauce that smells like moonshine.


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