I can learn the lessons of sowing,
the skills to till the soil,
see the fields rise in the furrows
from the toil my fingers have taken.
But it is a fleeting form of vanity
just a harvest of the ego,
should the fruit not truly ripen
within my soul as in the sun.
For unless I’ve truly tasted
what is reaped from my labors,
let the Lord use it to touch and transform
what lies inside,
then it is just another season
where the crops never rise in my heart.
By prayer and diligence the inner growth comes,
fueled by the Holy Spirit’s showers
to cleanse and renewal what is tainted.
Because there is no greater joy
than the one, which comes as blessings
where the Lord has slowly planted
His seeds of gift into our lives,
and we have the song of praise
arise from such thanksgiving
since this years bounty
is truly more enriching than the last.
How happy is the time
when we can see and feel
those weeds that choked our day
wither by God’s power,
no matter if the sky is gray
or the scenery some times harsh.
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