Monday, December 07, 2009

The Breath Of Hope

Wisps of white drift as ghost over the land,

white by her lips have brought their chilled spell

with the wintry charms of icy stillness.

But it is all an enchanted inspiration

for it halts the racing mind,

under her frozen ivory blanket

the dreamer rises to skate

across her crafted alabaster sculpture.


In that glide she lures the soul

to see of places where spring begins,

and bring a new awakening of what sleeps inside

where the heart breathes its wind of hope

as a gust to carry one through any snow.


Amid the silence does she smiles

because her powers have worked their sway.

So when the air bites with its brisk teeth

it’s not the sign of January’s frigid touch,

instead it is her fingers giving a nudge

unto the spirit so it will build

those snowmen of creativity,

until the mind can truly see

what in life was one’s intended summer,

of the desires left slumbering

like a tree’s limbs in December.


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