Monday, May 09, 2011

War Is Hell Without The Right Stuff!

How can you fight a decent war,
blow up things and destroy cities
with all these darn ridiculous costs!

Plus there is all that problem
of getting kids ready for being warriors
early enough to truly be soldiers
by the time they are twelve years old.

Now a solution has come,
one of pure brilliance,
thanks to the Santa Claus War Monger’s Manufacturers
who have mixed silly putty with C-4 explosives.

What battle bliss we can have
when tiny hands
can mold this marvelous creation
into something truly lethal,
which being so small,
they can sneak into an enemy's underwear
before going back to the new North Pole basic training camp.

Oh there are plans to expand this amazing effort,
water pistols filled with cyanide,
sling shots that fight arsenic tipped darts,
yes the new Army of ten year olds
will play with toy guns that really fire bullets.

And thank to the vision
of the President of our corporation,
General Nuke Em, Slaughterfest The Hun,
our future is assured and we can finally have
the pearls of aggression
wrapped around our neck
after every child is armed and ready
to help purge the world of armed threats
even if we have to utterly destroy
anyone over the age of twenty one
in order to gain peace.


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