Thursday, December 16, 2010

Somewhere Over the Bent Rainbow

Once upon a midday bleary,
at a Kansas commune for dysfunctional agrarian advocates,
there was a virgin named, Dorothy,
of questionable legitimacy and a neophyte in social consciousness.
She suffered from Wiccaphobia,
after a traumatic incident
with an feminine awareness counselor
having issues over Cynophobia,

Becoming the victim of a tempest act
from a indefinable deity origin,
this girl of scarred psyche
found herself forcible abducted by pollutions zephyr gust,
then deposited in hood for minorities
that had to deal with diabetes concerns
as well as height disorders.

Coming to her aid was a social worker,
directing her towards the nearest
center for group therapy
known as the Emerald City,
the green a consequence of being a site
used for illegal dumping of toxic waste.

Instructed to follow the highway not yet completed,
budget cutbacks preventing it from being asphalted.

Along the way she was joined
by a dyslexic field worker,
individual with armor fetish
and multi-phobic animal rights activist.

They all went in quest of assistance,
were subjected to a panoply of bureaucratic injustices
before finally meeting the head therapist.

Sadly he left for a timeshare hot air balloon vacation
after curing the three friends,
but not rendering adequate assistance unto the maiden.

In a fit out moral outrage,
unable to restraint her emotions any longer,
from her accumulate scars of being neglected and oppressed
did she end up disemboweling the armor worshipper,
giving the field worker a lobotomy and castrating the animal rights activists.

When she turned on the social worker
who showed up with a do it yourself map kit,
the story came to a tragedy end.

Dorothy did make it back to Kansas,
only doing time in Leavenworth,
learning the hard way
if you are going to try and shove a red slipper
up a place in a social worker's body that the sun don't shine,
a red tape bitch will figure a way to prove she is a witch.


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