Monday, November 29, 2010

Peace Be To You

The best way to conquer is from within
maximize the inclination towards paranoia,
hiring mercenaries to coming brutal slayings
of one group, a religion or nation,
while making sure they give credit
unto their most hated enemies.

Always killing the hired butchers
before getting a new group for next acts of violence.
Bribing media to spread stories
until every nation and religion
is utterly ready to murder those they fear
and think were guilty of attacks.

Obtain germ warfare
to spread among cities.
detonate a few nukes
in strategically chosen cities
so the panic explodes,
whole world utterly gone insane,
unleashing chemical weapons in United Nations assembly,
claim it is work of three major religions
along with several key world leaders.

Cause several nuclear power plant accidents
say it was government blunders,
sink oil tankers declaring work of militant environmentalists,
pour toxic waste into certain city water supplies
making sure they are seen as work for corporations.

Then heighten the hate and rage
with selective acts of pure sadism
against offspring of clergy and beloved celebrities,
capturing it on film using people bragging
they represent peace loving religious fanatics.

Thus when enough death and broadcasted torture
has raised the tension to point
every nation is ready to destroy,
I move in to offer a spiritual offer of sanity,
faking miracles, feeding the poor
making sure enough myths are told
so everyone things I can be their deliverer,
arranging accidents for leaders who won’t cooperate.

And when they all have succumb to the spell,
how I would fan the ire to send zealot vigilantes
out to commit hellish acts against
all that I say are evil.

Once every religion has been destroyed
each leader executed and all nations made my slaves,
would I make myself the law,
changing them to fit my passions
happily sacrificing lives as needed
the whole time having the rest worship my greatness.

Bringing peace to mankind,
making sure they all dead thinking it was real.


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