Saturday, September 11, 2010

December's Sun

Daystar swims in stunning illumined sheen
as it soars across
the Arabian brutally, brilliant turquoise sky.

Rays baking the bleached sandstone walls
of ancient Babylon,
night's freezing temperatures
slowly thawing the denizens
while it paints the dusty streets with amber hues.

Residents in their blends of dark hued robes
stir from night, before beginning their day,
congesting the narrow streets,
filled with smells of foods, body odor
and manure dropped by horses.

Inside, the small merchant's home,
dirt floors smothered by colorful rugs
ornate wooden sculptures of god's worshipped
sitting on mantle of crudely honed fireplace.

Next to fireplace, a green tree stands, supported by wooden planks,
covered in pieces of jewelry and other decor,
being a phallic symbol used each winter
in honor of their god, Tamuz,
and the Saturnalia feast
celebrating the birth of the Sun.

Meager presents tucked under the branches,
exchanged on December 25h,
when the winter solstice comes.

It is the year, six hundred B.C.,
life as always survival and harsh,
but the soul still stirs with hope
December's Sun bringing thoughts
of how this sphere of light is reborn each winter,
making their special holiday of ancient traditions
one bringing dreams
that their existence can somehow rise above misery.


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