Sunday, July 25, 2010


Instinct courses through my veins,
it was good enough for Christopher Columbus,
Daniel Boone and all those pioneers.

Did the people in those wagon trains
have AAA for help?
You think they stopped at some teepee
and asked the local Indian for directions?

Why are you looking at me that way?
I was just being honest,
no really we’re fine, not taking a map was still a good idea,
just give me a chance to hone on in true North.
Yes, it is important,
because er, then I can tell,
um, which way the sun rises.
Hmmm, wish there were more trees around here,
moss grows on the ah, side facing, ah, ah, well never mind that.

Oh see now there is a McDonalds,
so no, we haven’t left civilization,
plus I hope you will remember
this trip was your idea.

Okay, so you didn’t say we needed to go,
but you showed me the brochure about that new store
with all those bargains, which is the same thing.

Now there we are,
that street is named Oak.
Naturally Elm has to be close by.
Come on, give me a break
flashing that GPS tracker device ad in my face.

No, I am not dialing the store on my cell phone for directions,
merely checking the um, time, yeah the time.
Bet Mrs. Daniel Boone didn’t ask so many darn questions.


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