Friday, July 10, 2009


I heard somebody wrote a book by that title.   I kind of wonder about that.  I mean personally I think great done things is better.


See the problem is expecting junk don’t help much.  Because it ain’t happened yet. So you can’t be sure it will.


Now if you are talking like hey this was great and then it is after you did something that is really cool.  Otherwise forget it.


It is like this one guy I have to put up with over and STINK.  Not Junior this time.  One o the grimefighters.


He is known as Agent Squeaky Clean.  He’s okay I guess.  Just bugs me at times with all his talk.


And you like think he has done so much stuff.  Even get a tad jealous.  Only later you find out some of the stuff he didn’t do it. Just planning on it.


Well let me tell you sure gets hard to figure out when it is real and when it is just stuff waiting to happen.  And he never tells you that part.


Which really gets to be a pain when you know he makes it sound like it is so easy to do something.  Then you find out he didn’t do it yet.


Man that can sure be a pain.  Because you go out thinking if you try it then it will work. Only it doesn’t.


Really can drive you so nuts.  And let me tell you if they wrote that book about him, then I’m not impressed.


Maybe I will try to avoid listening to him. Yeah that would be great.  And then you know I mess up and listen to him again.


Kind of pathetic I know.  But what can I say?  I have no choice.  He just has this knack or making junk seem so cool.


Still don’t think it deserves to be mentioned in some darn book.  I reckon that perhaps the writer was bored.


Wish he had checked with me.  I could have made things better.  Just told him to like make it Great Junk you hope to make happen.


Then add some part about providing. Yeah you know such as providing other junk don’t keep it from happening.


Just wish that happen to Squeaky enough to shut him up.

Thought for the week:  "I wish the insect collectors would get the bugs out of my computer."


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