Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Spotlight shines up the star’s stool,
silence erupts in solo serenade,
music so magically and melodious,
a voice divine and truly inspired.

One blink and the light disappears,
returning to that seat in the auditorium alone
on the day after graduation.

Was a nice fantasy,
better than the ceremony’s aftermath,
walking across the stage
collecting diploma and all the awards,
but going home to emptiness.

Pained by images of face
that a crush couldn’t make
into a lover.

He celebrated with another
at a bash that lasted all night.

College waits like a fog,
will the A’s replace missing arms?
It is a question stuffed
into the achievement scrapbook
where they always are kept,
subduing the angst of kisses never felt
and invitations to parties not received,
whispering the lies to hold back the tears
about never liking crowds anyway.


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