Thursday, July 14, 2011


On the pilgrimage of self
amid a wayward trek in discovery
to reach that solitary precipice
rising as the cliff of contemplation.
It is where serenity cascades
in a refreshing and cool mental baptism
and gently washes over they soul
through the calming rinse of quiet
baptizing by its effervescent essence.

That is the bath that immerses
with such a tranquil flow
while the mind drowns in the bliss
of the soothing sensed sounds
sprayed by showery stimulations.

One moment reached of feeling so drunk,
so completely inebriated in this peace,
until forgetting the ravishes of life
that had cluttered the mind in their chaos.

This beautiful, breathless moment in pageantry ,
totally submerses the senses.
Finally flooded by the silky touch
summoning the feeling of being tenderly stroked
where every pore is aroused
while every nerve tingles from the encounter.

Gone, simply drained away
is the stains of stress and mental strain,
they are lost to the sweet supplication in liquid magic
truly pouring forth from the heart’s fount.

What power, what pure release comes inside
from that interlude in gushing harmony.
Felt like a soft rainfall on naked skin
by its arousing spell in fluidity
leaving the mind, body and soul
captivated and cleansed.


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